Wednesday, August 15, 2012

“Read Everything. Listen to Everybody. Don’t Trust Anything unless You Can Prove it with your Own Research” ~William Cooper (1943-2001)

A quote I will always live by and strive to pass on to my children. We must be our own teachers.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Nature's Toys

Michigan weather is well known for being unpredictable and this winter is no different. We have experienced unusually mild, warm weather into January. I must admit that I am ready for snow, but grateful for the unexpected play experiences the kids and I have had outside.

Normally, this time of year, the kids and I spend a good half hour getting ready to go outside. Half are toddling around like penguins in their snowsuits and boots waiting on the others so that we can get our 20 minutes of snow play in before their little hands freeze and their noses begin to run. Last week though, temps. were in the 40s and the kids and were in heaven! They could ride bikes and scooters, run around the yard and move freely from each activity in only coats, mittens, and hats. Because temps have been rising and falling from crazy highs to normal lows we have had snow, rain, and ice all in the same week. As soon as we all got out the door, the kids scattered to different areas of the yard while I watched. My two oldest boys quickly found the blocks of ice that had formed in all the toys and buckets and anything that could hold water. They were in their element. What better blocks to construct with than ice blocks of all different shapes and sizes! Soon they had everyone involved in the hunt and transportation of their building materials to the building site.

That morning, we spent an hour outside; something unheard of on a 'normal' January day in Michigan.  The kids built, demoed, and rebuilt 'Ice Fortresses' over and over. If the ice blocks were too big they broke them down. They learned so much about ice, its properties and the different states water can take on. They learned cause and effect, teamwork, leadership, and it gave them a sense of accomplishment. There are so many important experiences and lessons they gained from this play and it cost me nothing. I didn't have to go to the store or search the internet for the best deal on blocks. I didn't have to encourage or facilitate their play. All I kept thinking was, "This is how kids are supposed to play! This is the kind of learning experience I want to give them!"


Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Dump it to Grumpit!

Words of wisdom from my favorite holiday movie "The Grinch." Normally I would care about where my 'donations' were going and it would be very important that my unwanted things were going to the proper place so that they would benefit those most worthy. I must remember though that I made New Year's resolutions that I am half way hoping to keep so 'out with the old' and anything else I can find. My biggest most important resolution is to simplify, because doing this will make every other resolution that much easier. So I looked around my house the day after Christmas and thought, 'where can I simplify the most?' TOYS! Between having two young children and an in home daycare, I have an over abundance of toys. Yet the things that get played with the most are boxes or packaging. So I decided that I am going to minimize the amount of 'toys' that the kids have available and maximize the amount of open-ended materials available. This time of year is a perfect time to save boxes, Styrofoam, twist ties...the possibilities are endless! Just add some markers and glue and your child will have endless possibilities to create! I have found myself getting rid of so many old toys, yet saving all the 'trash' from the new toys.

Tuesday, December 27, 2011


I have never been one to make New Year's Resolutions. For one I don't keep them. I tend to lose interest quickly and move onto something else. So I guess you could say I make resolutions all the time; I just lack follow through no matter what time of the year it is. This time though, I think I might just try it. So here goes... MY New Year's Resolution for 2012... To simplify my life! Surprisingly, I believe more than ever in this resolution simply because my very sanity depends on it. The world moves at such a fast past now that no one really notices where life has gone. We forget to savor the important life moments like watching your child take their first steps. Sure its all recorded on Facebook or Twitter, but were we really totally engaged when it happened if we were posting to our Facebook "My baby just took his first steps!" I want to enjoy and savor every moment I can with my children and family and the only way it can happen is if I simplify my life.

But why stop at one resolution? I mean if I'm gonna do this when I've been bashing it for years, why not go BIG! Resolution #2: Live a healthier, natural life style. This I have to give credit to blogger Lisa Leake. I stumbled across her blog on my yahoo homepage which has lead me to so many great eye opening revelations about our food in this country! She has inspired me to make so many changes and to educate myself on what I am feeding my family and the difference I can make.

And yes there is more! Resolution #3 (this kinda goes along with the simplify my life one) ORGANIZE!! I am one of those people who loves the idea of organizing and loves to buy organizing 'stuff" and research the best ways to organize; yet I lack follow through to actually organize. This year will be different though especially with the help of This site has already helped me to organize many ideas!

And last but certainly not least (in fact this should be at the top, but my lack of organization has put it here) is family. Make family a priority. Period. No one will be here forever and tomorrow anyone could be gone. I want to make every moment I can meaningful and memorable.

So now its all in writing and hopefully this means I will be more accountable for my resolutions. I could only hope because as I said I lack follow through, but it seems more important now than ever to set goals and make accomplishments. I guess I have finally grown up.